Nutritional Microscopy differs from conventional medicine in that it strives to understand and deal with the root causes and nutritional deficiencies of health concerns, rather than the symptoms. It is a process that incorporates the use of a microscope to view unstained living blood samples. This method of health auditing is used for non-diagnostic information gathering purposes only.
What Nutritional Microscopy Does for You
Provides the healthcare professional with valuable information that aids in educating clients about a variety of compromised states or imbalances within the body, such as:
The state of the bodies systems & organs
Nutrient, vitamin & mineral deficiencies
Hormonal imbalances
Immune system function
Red blood cell & platelet production
Digestive function
Cardiovascular health
The Uniqueness
This method of auditing is different from the usual laboratory tests that quantify the levels of certain components in a sample of blood. Live blood observation gives an indication as to QUALITY of an individuals’s blood- an important foundation of preventative health care showing the effects of diet, lifestyle and stress can have on our well-being. These assessments are performed to determine areas of dysfunction and opportunities for healing, not in diagnosis or treatment. They can help reveal nutritional deficiencies, weaknesses or imbalances and assist in guiding the process of rebalancing the systems of the body.
I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose or treat disease. I refer and work with an array of healthcare providers including, but not limited to:
Functional Medicine professionals (MDs, DOs, CRNPs, PA-Cs)
Naturopathic Doctors
Massage Therapists
Licensed Mental Health Professionals
Life Coaches
Health Coaches
Energetic Healers
Nutritional Microscopy is both educational and motivational. Clients are able to see a live & oxidized picture of their own blood, and the progress of their supportive health protocols can be visually monitored over a period of time. With changes to diet and lifestyle, improvements in the condition of the blood can sometimes be seen within a short space of time and usually within weeks. This creates a powerful incentive for clients to be more proactive in improving their health, taking responsibility for their own progress by continuing with the recommended lifestyle changes.